Ali Marie

To Believe Science or Not

            Charles Darwin, in his novel “The Origin of Species,” asserts that species over time have evolved and adapted to the culture surrounding them. His ideals came from his childhood and carried on into his adulthood. Darwin was a man of science and theory who had a wealthy, enriched life from his birth that carried onto his adulthood. Charles lived in England and was known for being an English Naturalist. Darwin had studied at the University of Edinburgh and the University of Cambridge. He was brought up through the Anglicanism faith, in which his father had him baptized in the church when he was a baby. Darwin was the fifth of six children, and their mother, Susannah Darwin took them to the Unitarian chapel weekly until her death in July of 1817 (Chew).
            Darwin’s father, Robert Darwin, was a “freethinker” himself. Naturally Charles had already had an insight with natural history and collecting when he started attending a day school in 1817, which his preacher had been the professor. In September of 1818, Charles accompanied his eldest brother, Erasmus, and joined a nearby Anglican Shrewsbury School (Chew).
            Throughout Darwin’s time at the school he had joined the Plinian Society, a group of students whom were interested in natural history, and their debates strayed into radical materialism. Darwin helped many fellow students and scientist with naturalist ideals and theories. Including his very own voyage, known as the Voyage of the Beagle. Upon the Voyage of the Beagle, Darwin discovered the evidence that would soon be his most famous piece of work; the theory of evolution and natural selection (Chew).
            Charles supports this assertion of natural selection by offering evidence he had gathered while on his voyage. After Darwin had returned back to England he had written a novel of his findings about natural selection. Within this novel is a chapter about the struggle for existence.
    Darwin’s purpose was to bring forth information about the many parts of natural selection. One section of Darwin’s third chapter states how, throughout time, creatures and humans adapt to their surroundings more and more. I agree with this for a few reasons. One justification to this idea I obtain, is common sense. If a human were the first of any creature to live on a new planet that person would not know how to adapt to the culture shock at first. But over time after the individual has adjusted and become comfortable with their surroundings, they will then teach the younger generations to come how to adapt. After that they will learn new and improved ways to settle in and so on and so on.
     On another note, Charles pointed out how climate is a cause for natural selection. Some species may be able to handle colder or hotter temperatures than other species may be able to uphold. Charles states in his novel, “That climate acts in main part indirectly by favouring other species, we may clearly see in the prodigious number of plants in our gardens which can perfectly well endure our climate, but which never become naturalised, for they cannot compete with our native plants, nor resist destruction by our native animals” (Darwin). With this in mind we must know what may be able to grow in Florida such as oranges will not grow in Ohio because the weather is not suitable for that particular fruit to grow.
    Charles Darwin presents a novel full of his findings and theories with the intent of the science world and other’s whose interest lie within the scientific world.  I fully believe in this idea due to Charles’s novel being about new findings for the science world and his discoveries that Darwin had found while away.